Total Indigitization Grant Funding awarded = $18,418
Project Title: Digitization of oral history/treaty related measures tapes
Participant: Tsawwassen First Nation
Amount: $15,000
Description: The project consists of digitizing 165 analogue cassette tapes containing interviews with many of the community’s Elders, several of whom have since passed away. The interviews were conducted as part of several traditional knowledge studies that were funded as Treaty Related Measures (TRMs) during the negotiation of the TFN Treaty.
Project Title: St’át’imc audio-cassette content conversion to digital format
Participant: Upper St’át’imc Language, Culture and Education Society
Amount: $3417.59
Description: Since its formation as a non-profit society in 1991, USLCES has interviews fluent St’át’imcets speakers, story tellers and those willing to share their cultural knowledge. We have in our collection, 173 audio cassette recordings, 133 of which were recorded by USLCES since 1991 and for which digitization permission can be obtained. USLCES keeps these recordings as safe as is possible, however the threat of forest fires in the Lillooet area is constantly imminent.
Many of our St’át’imc elders who hold the language and cultural knowledge pass away each year, taking with them the vital knowledge. We have only scratched the surface with our recordings to date. It is essential that we digitize the language and cultural content that we have collected. More recently, in the last five years, we have used digital recording technology.